EasyWorship Blog Posts

August 25, 2021 / / Live to Worship

We recently posed a question to our users: “why did you switch to EasyWorship?” We wanted to know what the core reasons were that led our awesome users to start using our platform instead of one of our competitors, and the answers started pouring in. Here are the three most…

June 9, 2021 / / Live to Worship
February 17, 2021 / / Live to Worship

Church Stereotypes. We all have them. In the spirit of letting us laugh at our own tropes and predictable behaviors, we want to provide a lighthearted look at the zany aspects that can make working at a church incredibly unique. If you have any ideas for church stereotypes for future…

February 11, 2021 / / Tech Tips

This is the start of a new series where we will be breaking down some incredible lighting setups from different worship groups and explaining how you can implement them in your church at minimal cost. Overview: Our first breakdown is of the setup in the music video for “Crashing In”…

January 14, 2021 / / Tech Tips

If you’re a church that would like to be able to expand your A/V department and run EasyWorship on 2 computers simultaneously, but you aren’t able to have different operators for each computer, using MIDI is a great way to control both computers at the same time with one operator.…

January 7, 2021 / / Tech Tips

Recently, our support team has been asking for more detailed recommendations and breakdowns of live streaming setups that they can provide to customers. So I’ve decided to provide a breakdown of four different setups that I think would be the most helpful for someone looking to live stream with EasyWorship.…

December 2, 2020 / / Tech Tips

Let’s face it, lighting systems can be expensive, complicated, and frustrating to set up and operate. There’s no shortage of people who wish there was a magic button to orchestrate their lighting without any of the controllers, dimmer packs, terminators, cables, and the stress that comes with getting it all…

November 12, 2020 / / Design

When the world went crazy back in March, EVERYONE scrambled to figure out how to get their content online in a “socially distant” way with mixed results. My church has been recording our services and airing them on a local cable channel for many years, so the easy answer was…

November 6, 2020 / / Church Media

I don’t know about you, but the song Silent Night is hitting me differently this year. A night of peace and heavenly sleep with a promise of hope and wonder for the next year is something that I think we could all use. So in honor of that aspiration, I…

October 28, 2020 / / Live to Worship

Ah yes, 2020: a year accentuated by nation-spanning wildfires caused by gender reveal parties, innumerable and unnecessary zoom meetings, and family meals derailed by your second-cousin and uncle berating one another over their political leanings. Oh, and a generationally defining virus that has forced the entire world to upend our…