EasyWorship Blog Posts

April 9, 2020 / / Tech Tips

Live streaming worship services are a huge part of our lives right now. There are many of us doing it for the first time and are put under the pressure of getting it ready to go in less than a week or two without having any prior knowledge of it.…

April 6, 2020 / / Tech Tips

New to live streaming? Maybe you’re not quite sure how to get your sermon slides in EasyWorship to live stream through OBS, vMix or Boxcast. Luckily, it’s pretty simple. We’re going to assume you already have EasyWorship set up with one of the aforementioned services and that you already have your…

April 2, 2020 / / Live to Worship

By the time this gets published, facts will have changed. At this time though, not everyone is required to stay at home. Some countries have issued lockdowns. Some states in the United States have issued stay-at-home regulations. And for those of us that have these new rules to live by,…

March 31, 2020 / / Design

Hey guys, Raisa here with some good news. You too can be a graphic designer! Well, maybe. Let’s see how close we can get you there. 😊 Things are a bit crazy right now, huh? Just a tad bit. Connecting via social media seems to be the way right now,…

March 26, 2020 / / Tech Tips

“WHERE’S MY MOUSE?!” If you have ever used extended desktops in Windows then you have probably either exclaimed this or heard someone else say it when you can’t find where your mouse pointer is on the screen. If you use EasyWorship, then you should be using extended desktops for your…

March 19, 2020 / / Tech Tips

Have you ever wondered how to use a camera feed as a background in EasyWorship? With a few simple steps, you’ll be able to send your song lyrics to a live stream, an NDI device, or your projection screens. 1. Open EasyWorship 2. Go to the Songs tab 3. Locate…

March 18, 2020 / / Tech Tips

Live streaming can be done in a lot of ways with several different configurations. For simplicity, I’m going to provide the most common setup below. What do I need? A camera A video capture card Your EasyWorship software A streaming software Somewhere to stream to Let’s break down that set-up…

March 13, 2020 / / Tech Tips

In the midst of dealing with the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus, and trying to keep it from spreading, live streaming your church service will probably be the best way to continue to reach your congregation but still be socially distanced from one another. After all, if it’s best for…

February 20, 2020 / / Tech Tips

MIDI (/ˈmɪdi/; an acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a technical standard that describes a communications protocol, digital interface, and electrical connectors that connect a wide variety of electronic musical instruments, computers, and related audio devices for playing, editing and recording music. ( Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI) MIDI allows other computers or other hardware devices,…

February 12, 2020 / / Live to Worship

First Corinthians 13: 4-7 (NLT) 4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love…