Category: Tech Tips

March 7, 2025 / / Tech Tips
October 18, 2024 / / Tech Tips

Our team just got back from one of our biggest conferences this year, Experience Conference in Orlando. As we are dragging our weary bones back to the office this week, we wanted to take a look back at one of the most spiritually impactful, uplifting, exhausting, and encouraging weeks we…

July 26, 2024 / / Church Media
April 14, 2023 / / Church Media

In the past few years, we have seen tons of churches start livestreaming their services in order to give their congregation as many opportunities as possible to connect with the church. Here are three super simple things you can do to improve the way your livestream looks.

July 15, 2022 / / Live to Worship

It’s 30 minutes before service begins. You open up your EasyWorship to get your schedule ready and there’s a watermark! You may even receive a message that your license is expired. You’ve paid for a license, and everything was fine yesterday so what’s going on? Don’t panic. There is a…

June 24, 2022 / / Tech Tips
April 8, 2022 / / Church Media

If you’re like me, you’re always looking for easier, better, and faster ways to do things.  Computers, TV remotes, microwaves, GPS, dishwashers, cars, and EasyWorship are a few that just come to mind. There are also plenty of tasks that we do on a normal basis that we’re so used…

March 25, 2022 / / Design

Stage lighting is one of the most influential, and overlooked, parts in creating a dramatic and immersive environment for your place of worship. As the resident lighting aficionado here at EasyWorship, I wanted to share some tips and tricks on taking your lighting game up a notch. The first thing…

February 18, 2022 / / Tech Tips

All computer programs have a specific file structure. Normally, there will be a location on the computer for the program files themselves and another location (only if different than the program files) for the data files. Even though computer programs are written by different people, most of them generally follow…

February 4, 2022 / / Tech Tips

A blank palette can be an inspiring or daunting place to start. No matter which way you feel, the newly added Shape Engine can make your job designing slides easier. We’ve added a variety of shapes, from basic, to banners and callouts, as elements that you can add to any…