Previously, I wrote a blog about how to change the global settings for songs. But, all of the global settings for songs can also be changed individually by editing a song. To edit individual songs, right-click a song in the Songs tab and select Edit Song. In the song editor, you can select individual slides to edit or you can click on the Masters tab to make changes that will apply to the whole song. Click the Inspector in the top right corner of the song editor and you will see all of the settings. Most of the settings are the same as the global, but you can make them for the individual song or slides in the song from here.

Add the info you want here to be able to identify the song. Title, Author, Copyright, Admin, and Song Number.

Select the aspect ratio for the slides. (Auto is set as the default setting. Changing this setting is not recommended.) If you would like to loop the entire presentation or song, you can check the box here to do so. To set the slide(s) back to the global settings, click the Revert to Global button.

Show or hide the theme elements that are included on the slide. Under Advance Slide, set up automatic timing and the length of time to show a slide. Loop slide allows you to loop just that one slide and if you want the slide to always start at the beginning, check that box.
- Background – Select the fill style for your background, then select the properties of that background.
- Transition – Select and set the options for the transitions for each or all slides in the song.

Set the Opacity and define whether the element will constrain the proportions or not.
- Fill – Select an element on the slide and set your fill style and the properties of that fill.
- Border – Select an element on the slide and set your border style and the properties of that border.
- Shadow – Select an element on the slide and set your shadow style and the properties of that shadow.
- Reflection – Select an element on the slide and set your reflection style and the properties of that reflection.

Select your text box on the slide and adjust margins, layout, sizing, formatting.
- Font – Select the font type, size, color, style, and alignment.
- Outline – Select the outline style and properties.
- Shadow – Select the shadow style and properties.
- Bullets – Select the bullet style and properties.

If you have a media item inserted on the slide, you can select that item and adjust different properties for it like, repeat on or off, stretch, zoom, opacity, and volume.
If you make any of these changes to one slide in a song and want to apply it to the rest of the slides in that song, you can click the Apply to Theme button at the bottom of the Inspector window. If you made changes to the slide(s) but you want to just use the default theme, you can click the Revert to Theme button.
You can also make changes to all slides in a song at one time by clicking on the Masters tab and then make your changes in the Inspector. Since it is the master slide, any changes you make will apply to all slides in that song.
Don’t be afraid to make changes to your songs or song slides. You can always revert it to the global setting if you don’t like it or, you just might surprise yourself and really like the changes you made. Just remember, if you edit a song in the database (under the Songs tab in the resource area), that will be a permanent change until you change it again. If you only want to make changes for a one time use, make sure to add the song to the schedule first and then edit it from the schedule. This will only save those changes to the scheduled song and won’t affect the song in the database at all.