It’s inevitable. With almost any software program, there’s going to be a point where you will have to upgrade to the newest version if you want it to work with the newest operating systems, if you want or need continued support for the software, or if you just want all…
EasyWorship Blog Posts
For EasyWorship users, Nursery and Message alerts are a great way to get someone’s attention with little to no distraction to others. Nursery Alert The Nursery Alert is designed to give you a way to notify parents that they are needed in the nursery. With EasyWorship, the nursery worker can…
Let’s face it, many churches use the equipment they have until the day it literally stops working. After all, we’re always trying to be good stewards, right? This also means that we’re always looking to get the best deal on new equipment. But does that always mean the best deal…
Collections in EasyWorship help you organize your resources to make them easier to find and access. You can create Collections in any of your resource tabs: Songs, Scripture, Media Presentations, or Themes. There are two different types of Collections: Collections and My Collections. Collections: These can be viewed by any user who is logged into the…
Layering motions on your worship slides can bring your presentation to a whole new level. (Plus, it’s super easy!) The keys to working with motions is learning how to best customize the texture and color of each motion. If you layer motions from within the same collection, this will give…
Whether you’re starting a church plant or youth group, the answers to these five questions will get your media up and running in no time. 1. What kind of computer should I get? If portability is the key, go with a laptop. Otherwise, a desktop can save you money. You can view our recommended requirements to…
Have you ever felt like you were caught in the middle? Maybe it was a situation you had no control over, but suddenly you were responsible for fixing what was broken. Or maybe it was something that could not fixed. Something that happened to you for no fault of your…
NDI (Network Device Interface) is a new technology in the a/v transmission market that has revolutionized how audio and video are transmitted in a production environment. NDI is a new technology pioneered by NewTek that takes an audio and video source, like a camera, and sends it over your local…
If you’re looking for something new to add to your screens that will add a fun kick or sparkle, we’ve got some great media collections for you! Glitter Sparks Service Pack by Centerline New Media This is a brand new collection from Centerline New Media and it has some beautiful…