Category: Tech Tips

November 8, 2019 / / Tech Tips

EasyWorship has always been in the business of making your job in the sound booth easy. Let’s face it, if you’re a volunteer, you don’t have a lot of extra time to spend making tech in the sound booth work for you. Anytime we can find something that will give…

October 30, 2019 / / Tech Tips

Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year. The time where things speed up and you don’t feel like you have enough time to do everything that you want or that is expected of you. The time where there is so much going on, you forget to do certain simple…

October 24, 2019 / / Live to Worship
September 26, 2019 / / Tech Tips

Relationships; they are essential to the human condition. To walk through life without building relationships with your fellow man is to miss so much of the work God is doing around you. This year I expected to go to the Worship Facilities Expo, pitch our software to prospective buyers and…

September 11, 2019 / / Tech Tips

Starting a new church can be pretty stressful. There are a lot of decisions to be made, including the equipment that your worship and tech team will be using. Everyone has their personal preferences on brands, but we went and asked the local experts at The Music Store in Tulsa,…

September 5, 2019 / / Tech Tips

So you’ve had a computer for a while and you’re finding that it’s not as fast as it used to be, or maybe it’s never been really fast, but you’d like to make it faster. It might be time to upgrade your hardware. Here are some tips to get the…

August 22, 2019 / / Tech Tips
August 14, 2019 / / Tech Tips
August 7, 2019 / / Church Media

Our computers come with standard pre-loaded fonts. When it comes to creating new designs in EasyWorship for worship, announcements or sermon slides, you may want to expand your font options. But be careful! Going to the wrong site and downloading the wrong file can cause your computer to crash from…

July 24, 2019 / / Tech Tips

So you’ve got a new list of recruitments or maybe just one new volunteer, but what do you do with this list? Do you have a process in place to help them get trained and ready for your worship service? If not, here are some helpful ways to make sure…