We’re one month into 2020. Have you thought about updating your font library? Installing new fonts to your computer and thusly, EasyWorship software is easy, free and can update your worship slides without much work. Here are 3 options we’ve found that will look great on your screen for 2020!
Background used for example is the Spiral Dark Blue Slow by Motion Worship
1) Staatliches

Sans serif fonts always look contemporary, sleek and clean. This one is an easy one to use. It makes any text easy to read and works well over most backgrounds. If you don’t have a go-to block font, try this one out at your next worship service!
2) Skrikhand

For something with a little more flair, but still easy to use, try this font out. This font merges cursive and print styles to give you a clean version of a cursive style font. Sometimes cursive fonts can be too much and hard to read on screen, but with this font, you get the best of both worlds.
3) Zilla Slab Highlight

Can you believe it? You can get this look with a font! No design work needed. This font automatically creates the blocks of white with the actual font being transparent. Just change the font of your song and you automatically get this look on any song in your database. Easy peasy.
So what are you waiting for? Try out some new fonts today and create a new look for your worship experience with just a few clicks.