3 Videos That Tell the Story of Christmas in a Different Way

Every year, December comes around. Every year, we decorate, sing Christmas songs and watch Hallmark movies where anything, namely love and romance, seems possible. And every year, we tell the story of Jesus coming to earth as a baby.

And every year, producers conspire and create new ways to tell that story. Whether it’s through animation or live action, they give us a new perspective on this story that changed the course of history. They help us see the story with new eyes, so we wanted to highlight a few of those creative videos today.

God with Us by Igniter Media 

This is one of my favorites from last year. The way Igniter Media filmed this brought a gravity to the story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus that I hadn’t seen before. They filmed key scenes of the story and froze them for us to meditate and dwell on. I really love the detail that went into this one.

One Holy Night by Skit Guys Studios

This wouldn’t be a complete list without a Skit Guys video. Every year, they work hard to find a different way to present the story of Jesus’ birth, but, as you might suspect, there’s a comedy twist. This time, they bring it to the south and present day from the perspective of a motel  (and a barn) owner and various other characters that come to visit baby Jesus because of the star. Different, cute and funny. Just might be the perfect fit for your service.

Getting Christmas Right by Journey Box Media 

This video by Journey Box Media links the story of  Jesus’ birth with our more modern Christmas traditions that don’t literally come from the Bible. This video can be a great way to talk about how materialistic things like decorations, presents, and cookies can have a greater meaning by looking through the lens of what God was doing by having Jesus become a human baby.

The Promise of Eternity by Motion Worship 

Reconciling what happened during Jesus’ time of ministry with the baby that was born in a manager is not something that is easy to grasp, but Motion Worship does a pretty good job with this video. This video also helps drive home the importance of God’s timing. One day, Jesus will become the man that heals the sick and raises the dead. But for now, he’s a baby that cries and is utterly dependent on Mary and Joseph.

Casey Stephan Written by:

Casey Stephan has been a church administrator and communicator for 15 years both in Tulsa, OK and South St. Paul, MN. Currently, she works as the Media Store Manager at EasyWorship (easyworship.com) where she enjoys connecting churches with the right worship media.

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