Author: Casey Stephan

Casey Stephan has been a church administrator and communicator for 15 years both in Tulsa, OK and South St. Paul, MN. Currently, she works as the Media Store Manager at EasyWorship ( where she enjoys connecting churches with the right worship media.

June 15, 2018 / / Church Media

Let’s face it, showing bright colors on your screens can be a tough thing to pull off. The main grievance of bright colors is that it can make it too hard for the viewer to read the text. So, when the primary function of your song slides is to make…

May 25, 2018 / / Church Media

Father’s Day is on the way! Is your church ready? No? That’s what we thought. So to help you out, we’ve got three of our best-selling videos from last year. A Father’s Day Benediction by Floodgate Productions This lighthearted Father’s Day video will warm hearts all over the room. A simple…

May 10, 2018 / / Church Media

Here’s EasyWorship’s newest worship backgrounds for Mother’s Day. As you’re brainstorming what do for the moms in your church, think about honoring them as they come through the doors with a new worship background. Whether it’s a creative “Happy Mother’s Day” title slide, or a few scriptures fading in and out…