Telling the story of Jesus’ birth can be done simply by reading the Scriptures. We can also tell the story through plays, Christmas songs, or just having a conversation over coffee. It’s a story most of us know well. Almost too well sometimes. Sometimes, the story can lose its wonder over the years.
Thankfully, God gave us the gift of creativity and the ability to look at the Christmas story and tell it from a new perspective. It helps us filter through our assumptions of what we believe we know, and see something different in a story known so well.
Every year, creatives from across the nation come up with new and creative ways to tell the story of Jesus’ birth. From funny to inspirational, they all tell a perspective on what Christmas really means and why we celebrate it. Hopefully, one of these videos will inspire you:
1) Silence & Fury by Dan Stevers

First off, this video has gorgeous visuals. Complimenting those visuals is a beautifully done voiceover declaring who God is and who this Jesus really is, was and is to come. If you want to leave your congregation in wonder at your Christmas worship service, then this is the video for you. It’s a stunning work of art. This video is also available in Spanish.
2) The Live Nativity by Skit Guys Studios

Going in a completely different direction, this video uses humor to bring the Christmas story into our modern-day church life. It starts out with laughs and jokes that will appeal to both adults and kids. And then ends it with the realization that just like in the story of old, God uses people in their imperfections to do His good work on earth.
3) The Audacious Miracle of Christmas by Journey Box Media

This video will inspire you and your congregation to believe in miracles, big or small. It poses the scenario that if we believe in the miracle of Jesus’ birth, why can we not also believe for hope and peace in the lives of those around us. Do we have the faith to ask for peace not only on earth but in the lives of our neighbors and friends? Let this video encourage your congregation to have that kind of faith.
4) Behold the Lamb Christmas Intro by Motion Worship

This video by Motion Worship tells the Christmas story within a worship intro. Set against a beautiful night sky, and the star that pointed the shepherds and wise men to Jesus, it features 3D animation and slowly building music that soars to reveal the name of Jesus. No matter who comes through your doors, they will be encouraged with this video.