EasyWorship is a presentation software program that can store and display your different songs, scriptures, media files and presentations. One of the things that makes EasyWorship so versatile is the ability to customize the way your presentation looks. EasyWorship doesn’t disappoint when it comes to customizing your scripture slides. There are many different settings that allow you to display the scriptures the way you want them look. “What options can you change?” you ask? I’m going to walk you through each setting in the scripture options in EasyWorship.
Scripture Font
When you first open the Options under the Edit menu and go to Scripture in the Live settings, it can look overwhelming. The first thing to look at is the Enable Support For Displaying Scriptures. This one is pretty self explanatory. If you un-check this box, the Scriptures tab will be disabled and you won’t have access to it while it’s disabled. If you want to use the Scriptures feature in EasyWorship, you want this box checked.
Scripture Font Tab
The Scriptures will use the Default Font settings you have set in the Live Options, but if you want to customize that and use something different, click on Scripture Font. This window has 5 different tabs; Font, Outline, Shadow, Margins and Format. The Font tab allows you to modify the font attributes like Font Name, Size, Color and Style. Set the opacity of the Scripture text from 0% to 100%. You can also change the Alignment of the text on the slides. The Text Alignment is horizontal, so you can choose Left, Center or Right. Under Vertical Align, choose Top, Center or Bottom. The Reset button will reset all your Scripture Font settings back to the Default settings.
Scripture Outline Tab
Adding an Outline to your text will make it stand out a bit more. Click on the Outline tab to adjust how the outline is added to your text or to disable it altogether. In Style, choose the position of the outline; on the Outer edge of the text, on the Inner edge of the text or equal distance from the Center of the edge of the text. Or if you don’t want an outline at all, choose None. Select the Color of your outline, the Join, the Size and Opacity. The Join is basically the corners of the text. Choose whether you want those Round, Square or Beveled.
Scripture Shadow Tab
On the Shadow tab, select whether you want it Enabled or Disabled and then choose the Shadow Color. Set the Angle by using a 360 degree wheel which will determine the direction the shadow emits from the text. You can also change the Offset, which is how far from the text the shadow displays; the Blur, which is the sharpness of the shadow; and the Opacity, which is the transparency of the shadow.
Scripture Margins Tab
The Margins tab allows you to create text margins for your Scriptures. This will override any other margins that may be set anywhere else for your scriptures. The values for these are set by Pixels. For instance, if you set a 50 pixel margin, the text will always be at least 50 pixels from the edge of the screen.
Scripture Format Tab
On the Format tab, choose whether you want to use the default Auto Sizing option which is Resize Text To Fit Element, or if you want to use Do Not Auto Size Text and use a font Point Size. If you use the Auto Sizing, you can also select to Normalize The Text Size Across Slides. This means that if you add multiple verses as a group to the schedule or go live to a group of verses together, EasyWorship will keep the text size the same on all slides. If this box is unchecked, there is a possibility of having different sized text from one slide to the next in that group of slides.
Under Formatting is the option to set Word Wrapping. If this is checked, EasyWorship will wrap any lines of text that are too long to fit on the slide horizontally without shrinking it. Capitalize All Words and Capitalize The First Word Of Each Line will do just as it says. If you want to Automatically Capitalize certain words, you can by checking the last box on this page and enter those words in the displayed list. You can also remove any words you don’t want auto capitalized. Or un-check that box to disable that feature for Scriptures.
Show Verse Numbers
To display the Verse numbers on the slide, check this box.
Verse Font
When the box is checked, you will be able to select Verse Font to make changes to the verse number, like Font Name, Size, Color, Style, Opacity and whether you want it to be Underlined, Superscript or Subscript.
The Reset button is also there if you ever want to change the Verse Font settings back to the Default settings.
Verse Font Outline and Shadow Tabs
These tabs give you the same options for Outline and Shadow as the primary Scripture Font settings, but they will only apply to the Verse numbers on the slide if Show Verse Numbers is checked.
Show Reference
To display the reference of the verse(s) shown on the slide, check Show Reference.
Reference Font
With Show Reference checked, Reference Font will be available to change the font settings for the reference like Font Name, Size, Color, Style, Opacity and whether you want it Underlined, Superscript or Subscript. You can also set the Alignment for the reference to be either Right, Center or Left.
The Reset button is also there if you ever want to change the Reference Font settings back to the Default settings.
Reference Font Outline and Shadow Tabs
These tabs give you the same options for Outline and Shadow as the primary Scripture Font settings, but they will only apply to the Verse Numbers on the slide if Show Reference is checked.
Reference Location
Select the drop-down next to Reference Location to determine where you want the reference to be displayed. Before Each Slide, After Each Slide or After Each Passage.
After Each Passage means that if you add multiple verses as a single item into your schedule or go live to multiple slides in a single grouping, the reference will only show on the last slide of that group or passage.
Show Reference has to be checked for this option to be available.
Show Complete Passage
To display the entire passage reference for the multiple verses that are going live, check this box. This checkbox will not be available if the Reference Location is set to After Each Passage or if Show Reference is not checked.
Reference Indent
If the reference is set to display on the Left or the Right, the Indent will add a small text margin on the left for the Left location and on the right for the Right location.
Show Reference has to be checked for this option to be available.
Abbreviate Book Names
To Abbreviate the Book Names in the reference instead of showing the full book name, check this box.
Show Reference has to be checked for this option to be available.
Additional Line Spacing
Checking this box will add an extra line break between the reference and the verse.
Show Reference has to be checked for this option to be available.
Show Reference Only
If you want to display the Reference Only and hide the actual Scripture verse, you can check this box.
Show Reference has to be checked for this option to be available.
Break On New Verse
When selecting and adding multiple verses as one item to the schedule or going live to a group of verses at once, Break On New Verse will separate each slide by verse. For instance, if you select Genesis 1: 1-8 and add it to your schedule, you will have a single scheduled item with at least 8 slides in it. Any time EasyWorship sees that a new verse is starting, it will automatically start it on a new slide.
If you deselect this checkbox and add multiple verses at once, you will see that EasyWorship will not start a new slide for each new verse.
Automatically Flow Scripture on Multiple Slides
This setting will allow EasyWorship to start a new slide for the Scriptures if the current slide is filled with text and there is no space left for any more text.
By deselecting this checkbox, any time you add Scripture to your schedule or go live to it, it will be on one slide no matter how many verses are selected at once. EasyWorship will shrink the text so it will all fit on one slide and will not flow to a new slide.
Minimum font size before breaking slide
Automatically Flow Scripture on Multiple Slides has to be checked to set a Minimum Font Size Before Breaking the Slide.
This setting allows you to set a minimum font size before EasyWorship will break the verse onto a new slide. Whether you have one verse or multiple verses selected, depending on your Scripture Font, if there is enough text on the slide and has to shrink to at least the minimum font size in this setting, EasyWorship will automatically break it onto a new slide.
There is a standard default setting for all of these options, but if you want to display your Scriptures a certain way, I would recommend playing around with them and see what works best for you.
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