EasyWorship was designed with the user in mind. That no matter who is operating the tech computer, the software would be easy enough to understand and use that anyone can do it. To show you how easy it is here is all you need to know to operate EasyWorship at it’s most basic level.
In the image below, you can see a general overview of the software with arrows pointing to some of the key basic features in EasyWorship. To be able to view EasyWorship like this, go to “View” in the top left menu and select “Preview and Live”.

1) Schedule
On the far left side, we have the schedule section. This is where you can line up what you are wanting to project in the exact order of what you will need for your service/event. You can easily remove and add items, and rearrange items, by clicking and dragging, in order to make sure your schedule looks exactly how it should.
2) Preview
In the middle of the screen, we have the preview section. This is where you can click on an item in the schedule and see everything that that item contains. For instance, when you click on a song, you can see all of the lyrics in the song and select which part of the song you want to go live.
3) Live Output
On the left side of the screen, you’ll see the live output section. this is where you can see what you are actually projecting from the software.
4) “Live” Button
Speaking of seeing what is actually projecting from the software, the “Live” button in the top right-hand corner can also help. If you have more than one monitor, you can set up your second monitor to be your display monitor. Just set up the second monitor and then click the “Live” button and you will see exactly what is being projected live, right on your second monitor.
5) “Go Live” Button
Not to be confusing, but the “Go Live” button will send whatever is selected in the Preview section and project it live.
6) Logo, Black, and Clear Buttons
These three buttons in the top right hand corner are the buttons that will save you in a quick second. Logo will switch whatever you have live to your logo, for when you need a quick transition. Black will change the live output to a black screen and Clear will keep whatever background you have, but clear if of any text on it. Both of these are great for when your service goes a little off script, but you want to look like it was a part of the plan all along.
7) Resources
Finally, resources. This is where all of your songs, scriptures, media, and saved themes and presentations are stored. Each section has an easy way for you to search and find what you need in quick second. And with the exception of scriptures, they each have the option of organizing them by collections. You can keep things organized by holiday, season or theme.
Well, that’s a quick overview of EasyWorship. There’s so much more to learn and discover, but for now feel free to play around and see how this software can work for you.
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